Happy Summer Carnival & Fiesta Musica at THE SQUARE, Lancaster New City, Cavite

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Families celebrated summer’s last hurrah at The Square—the mall and community activity center of Lancaster New City—as it continued to spread the sunny vibes of the season with its Happy Summer Carnival,bringing in some of the best OPM artists for their Fiesta Musica held last June 2. 


Rapper and songwriter Quest, along with the bands Gracenote, Pedicab, and Sandwich—who recently celebrated their 20th year in the music scene--joined forces for the musical treat.

Wish Bus also had a live performance by Itchyworms

There's also the food area where everyone can enjoy variety of food.

While others are enjoying good food, the Wish Bus and the concert, some are also busy enjoying games where they can win prizes as well.

The festivities began in the morning, with activities tailored for every member of the family:the zumba fest for moms and dads to exercise and groove to, the carnival performances and kids zone for the kids. 

The evening celebration started with the Fiesta Musica concert, followed by the fireworks show to cap off the night. 

“We want people to enjoy and make the most out of their visit in The Squarethrough good food, shopping, and entertainment. We hope that with these fun activities, The Squarewill be everyone’s happy place,”said Julian Sison, The Square’s marketing manager.

The Square’s open space, Central Greens, serves as a venue for events such as Mother’s Day. All these fun treats and activities are aimed to cater not just to the residents of the Lancaster New City, but also to the communities nearby. 

Good music and happy feels—what a way to cap off one’s summer experience at 
the Happy Place. 

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