Bea Binene on Legally B every Saturday via GMA News TV
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Bea Binene will celebrate her debut/18th birthday this coming November 4 and what better way to prepare for this once in a lifetime celebration that to document it step by step and share it to all of her supporters. Last September 26, her first ever docu-show "Legally B" was aired via GMA News TV.
During Bea Binene's "Legally B" Blogcon, Bea shared how they she prepared for this show. It was a big investment for her and her Mom because they produced the show and since Bea has been in the showbiz industry for quite some time now, she believes it's the perfect time to invest on something that will not only benefit her but also her supporters. With the help
of her sponsors, Legally B will be for sure a big hit.
Since Bea is excited to finally reach the legal age, what are the things she's excited about?
She narrated that among the things she's excited about is the time to vote, she is excited that for the first time she is can now vote in the coming elections which every Filipino should do.
Another thing is, learning how to drive and this will also be documented via her show Legally B. Every episode will feature what's the typical day in Bea's life, how she prepares for her birthday and people will get to know her better too.
Bea didn't share a lot of details about her debut but some that we take note of were the motif will be vintage and some of her friends in the showbiz industry will be invited as well although she mentioned that she doesn't have an escort because she wants to showcase her being independent. Bea is very hands on when it comes to preparations and she is excited for the food tasting as well.
She added that she will only wear two gowns on her debut, one is for the debut party and then for the after party. Bea also said that she misses singing and in time, hopefully she will get the chance to record songs for a new album. She is currently "single" right now but doesn't close any doors when it comes to love life.
Watch her interview here:
Don't miss LEGALLY B every Saturday 11:30 a.m.
via GMA News TV Channel 11.
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