Plume releases enchanting debut single 'Beautiful'

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

AltG Records' newest artist Plume is taking the music scene by storm with the release of his debut single, “Beautiful,” on digital platforms last March 1. 

The acoustic ballad delves into the world of young love and serves as a window into Plume’s high school days as he sings about his feelings for a special someone.

The song also landed on #22 spot on iTunes Philippines just after it debuted! 

The song, described by Plume as “very straightforward,” uses vivid imagery to compare his admiration to the most captivating things around him. The lyrics, rich with descriptive language, paints his feelings for the girl he likes. 

Plume during the zoom media conference

The song is just me trying to associate the girl I like with the most beautiful things around me. The lyrics of the song are mostly descriptive words for the girl I love, expressing my feelings for her through imagery and emotion,” explains Plume.

A Computer Science student at the University of Baguio, Plume’s foray into music might seem unexpected. While initially drawn to a music course, he opted for a more practical career path. “Beautiful” marks the beginning of a promising musical journey for him. His ultimate aspiration lies in taking pride in every song he creates and becoming his biggest supporter.

Plume shared that his love for music drives him and motivates him to be a better artist. He loves metal and rock but he is very diverse and you can hear it with his debut single. 

The goal that I set for myself when I signed was that as much as possible, I hope that the songs I release or the songs I will make are something I can be proud of. I want my listeners to feel relaxed when they listen to my song, that’s the main thing I want the sound of my entire discography to be,” he says. 

Catch Plume’s debut single under AltG Records on March 1 on digital platforms worldwide. 

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