This is why KRIS AQUINO is an ideal MOM of this generation: She is overflowing with unconditional LOVE

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

If you were to ask your friends who their biggest inspiration is, chances are you’re going to get a lot of them saying it’s their mother. Mothers definitely play a huge part in our lives. They’re the ones who brought us into this world and they’re the ones who are going to see us through all the unforgiving calamities that life has to throw at us.

But, we take them for granted at times and we forget to show them how much we appreciate them. This pandemic taught us how to appreciate more our loved ones because time is fleeting. It also made me appreciate my Mom more because aside from the fact that she is my hero, she is also a very cool Mom. 

Aside from my Mom, I also know a few cool Moms out there and one of them is no less than Ms. Kris Aquino. All these years I've been a big fan of her simply because she's the most witty, outspoken, transparent person you can ever think of and the bonus part is that she is the coolest Mom to Josh and Bimby. 

Kris Aquino grew up in front of everyone's eyes, although she really doesn't need to give her best because everyone's watching, she simply shines on her own. She has been the source of inspiration and strength for Josh and Bimby, she is their shield and source of protection from the harsh world we live in and nobody has the right to turn a blind eye to those people who try to crush the innocent world of her children. 

Aside from Josh and Bimby, many people look up to Kris Aquino as a Mother who would go to any lengths just to make Josh and Bimby secured and happy for the rest of their lives.

A lot of netizens shared their comments on how they idolized Kris as a wonderful Mom and they follow her footsteps for being such a cool mother to Josh and Bimby. At this time and age, we all need the support, acceptance and unconditional love of our family and that is what Kris is giving to her sons.

Kris has been very vocal in her past interviews and videos that she's been working really hard so that she can provide for her sons and that they can live comfortably for the rest of their lives, she is a single mom at that but still manages to be the best provider. She wishes nothing but the best for them, so, what more can you ask for a Mom?

In return, Josh and Bimby showcased nothing but love for their Mom, Bimby has been very vocal that he wants his Mom to find her true happiness and they know how Kris Aquino can be so giving that in everything she does, she gives her 100%.

In her latest video, uploaded to her official Facebook page, Kris mentioned how excited she is to celebrate Bimby's 14th birthday. According to Kris, she is blessed to have a very intelligent and brave son like Bimby. Bimby actually takes it from her Mom, he is witty, brave, confident, full of life and never selfish. This is why Bimby's birthday celebration will also be a day of gift-giving for everyone. This pandemic also gave Kris the perfect time to bond more with her family, because time is truly essential nowadays and she wouldn't spend it with anyone else other than her boys. 

Truly, no matter what people say about Kris Aquino, nobody can tear her down. She is like a wine who ages gracefully. She also shared that she recently watched the film, "Me Before You", starring Sam Claflin and Emilia Clarke, and her favorite movie quote is, "Just Live..". That is her main goal now, to live the best of her life, live well and live happy. 

Not everyone is as tough as Kris Aquino, she has been through a lot and through it all, her love for her family will always be her main priority, not love life or anything else. 

Kris will always be the 'Queen of all Media', her social media posts will always be one of the most followed, awaited and talked about but nevertheless, Kris will always be the only Queen of Josh and Bimby, the Queen who will never run out of LOVE to give. 💗

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