Regine Tolentino shares how she stays youthful & healthy with RADIANCE C Vitamin C Plus

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Radiance C is the first and only US-made Non-Acidic Vitamin C supplement in Wastsons that features a unique combination of seven powerful active ingredients all working in synergy to maximize vitamin C’s HEALTH and BEAUTY benefits making it a great value for money for only P11.00 per capsule.

Each capsule contains the one-of-a-kind combination of the following:

√ Calcium Ascorbate
√ Selenium
√ Vitamin D3
√ N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine
√ Collagen
√ Quercetin
√ Calcium

These active ingredients by themselves are not only able to provide a wide variety of wellness and skin benefits, but are also capable of working together with vitamin C to further enhance its overall effectiveness. It accomplishes this mainly by jumpstarting the process of regenerating spent and oxidized vitamin C in the body, which have become free radicals, and helping revert these into their original, beneficial forms.

Check out the seven powerful ingredients of Radiance and know how each of them are exceptional in their own way:

Calcium Ascorbate - Compared to the more ubiquitous ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate is a form of vitamin C that is alkaline, fully-absorbable and sodium-free. Calcium ascorbate may actually lessen the effects of hyperacidity and upset stomach unlike the regular ascorbic acid found in most vitamin products.

Collagen – An important protein naturally produced by the human body, collagen providess strength and elasticity to the skin (reducing fine lines, sagging and wrinkles), connective tissues (cartilage, joints, tendons and ligaments) as well as muscles, organs, hair, and skin. As we age, collagen production slows down, and individuals may lose as much as 1% of their body’s total collagen every year after the age of 30.

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine – NAC is the supplement form of a semi-essential amino acid called cysteine. NAC is especially beneficial in its role as an all-natural glutathione-booster, kickstarting the natural production of what is known as the body’s most powerful ‘master antioxidant’. It is widely used to help relieve symptoms of various respiratory conditions such as coughs, colds and chronic bronchitis as well as its liver detoxification properties. When given intravenously, NAC is even powerful enough to treat acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose.

Quercetin – A powerful antioxidant found in plants and the skin of some fruits like apples, oranges and grapes, quercetin is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antihistamine (anti-allergy) effects. As such, it is not uncommon for people suffering from allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, seasonal allergies, and chronic congestion to turn to quercetin for sustained, all-natural and drug-free relief from their symptoms. Quercetin has also been found to have benefits for the heart and blood vessels, maintaining a healthy blood pressure and in preventing some cancers, chronic diseases and even certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson’s.

Selenium – Selenium is an essential trace mineral known for its many antioxidant health benefits and plays a key role in the body's metabolism. Some evidence suggests that selenium may even have important cancer-preventing properties and it has been known to boost energy levels, cognitive, as well as thyroid hormone functions. Selenium is often sourced from whole grains and animal products such as meat, milk and eggs.

Vitamin D3 — Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin and hormone that the skin produces through exposure to sunlight, hence being known as 'the sunshine vitamin'. Vitamin D3 also complements vitamin C's immune-boosting benefits, especially against colds, flu and flu-like symptoms. Early research also points to vitamin D3 possibly reducing the risk of heart disease and heart failure. Vitamin D3 is vital in ensuring the body's proper absorption of phosphorus and calcium, and is equally important for healthy bones and teeth. Individuals with darker complexions and those who spend most of the daytime indoors, such as office workers, will need to supplement vitamin D3 through their diet.

Calcium Carbonate – Best known as an essential nutrient for strengthening bones and teeth, calcium also plays an important role for overall health, including proper brain function, hormonal release, blood vessel function and proper blood clotting. Calcium is best paired with vitamin D3, which boosts calcium absorption. Calcium in its calcium carbonate form also acts a powerful antacid.

Why do you need Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, NAC and Quercetin now more than ever?

Both early researches and the most recent scientific studies now suggest that several vitamins and compounds may be especially useful in keeping us safe amidst the pandemic and the most important ones can be found in every capsule of Radiance C.

While the daily intake of antioxidants, vitamins and vitamin supplements may help boost our overall immunity and presents very few disadvantages, let us all keep in mind that there is still no known vaccine or cure for COVID-19. But with a balanced diet, plenty of rest, and by following proper physical distancing and hygiene protocols, we can do our part in keeping ourselves and our families free from any illness or disease.

Meet the official brand ambassador of Radiance C Vitamin C Plus! No less than the ever youthful Ms. Regine Tolentino.

She is the perfect endorser of the brand simply because she is ageless and an epitome of youthful glow with a healthy lifestyle. We all know how active her lifestyle can be and even though she is a Mom of 3, she recently gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl, she didn't age a bit plus she maintains to balance her family life, business and active lifestyle.

During the media conference of Radiance C featuring their brand ambassador Ms. Regine Tolentino, she narrated how she adjusted with the quarantine life. She is thankful because she is blessed with smart and loving kids who are fast growing and understands that there is a pandemic and they needed to adjust so that they can be healthier and free from sickness. 

Since she is an entrepreneur, her business needs to tale a halt for now and she focus her energy on her family more plus doing extra work on the side. Regine shared that in order to have healthy, aside from taking Radiance C which is a big help to her nowadays, we all should have a happy disposition in life. Eat healthy, think positive thoughts and be disciplined. 

Radiance C Vitamin C Plus is now available at Watsons and other drugstores in the country. 

Thank you Radiance C for the care kit! 

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Stay Radiant with Radiance C!

For more details about Radiance C, visit their official Facebook page and Instagram account @radiancecph.

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