Make Father's Day Count Because Every Dad is Unique and Make Sure He Knows It

Friday, June 16, 2017

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and as many of us make plans, buy a card, and find just the right tie, mug, or T-shirt to present to Dad, let us take a moment to reflect. This mid-June holiday takes on many different meanings, depending upon your relationship with your father or yourself as a father. Before this one slips away and long be forgotten, it would be beneficial to consider what makes a good father.

    Fathers-Dads-Daddy-Papa are famous for doing all types of jobs. Whether it is a cockroach that needs to be killed or trashed, a project that needs to be drawn or nailed, or garbage that needs to be taken out, fathers have been there to give answers and support to each and different challenges yet, it is not necessarily a father’s ability to conquer these or any other hard tasks that we may come up with that measure the quality of a father.

    Fathers teach us many things, too. Children can learn a great deal from their fathers, such as how to walk, how to ride a bike, and how to drive. However, there's more to that.

     There's also a role of being a protector.  The role of protector is also a duty that many fathers have taken up throughout the years. Many is the time a father has leaped to his child’s defense in an attempt to shield him or her from some pain or hardship that he believes would be damaging to his son or daughter.               

    So, what is it? What characteristic does a father possess that makes us want to honor him on his special day? Quite simply, it is his uniqueness. He is our father. No one else can fill that role. Good, bad, ugly, or otherwise, our father is inextricably linked to us because he is ours. He isn’t perfect, nor is he always right. He’s even downright embarrassing sometimes, but he is ours and we are his.

    Holding your hand when crossing the street, getting carried inside when we fall asleep in the car, attending numerous ball games, plays, and concerts are all a part of the deal when you are a dad. Helping you move, getting your car fixed, financing your education – all a part of Dad duty. And, though they may not admit it, fathers wouldn’t have it any other way.

    So, while we're at it, take some time this Father’s Day to sincerely say thanks to your dad and give him something worth it, something that he will surely cherish and will remember you as days pass by, you can check cool stuff and amazing ideas for a Dad like no other at

He may not act like it is a big deal, but it is – on being a Father,  but it may create a whole lot more of memories and appreciation to make this day count. Take it from those whose dad is no longer here for them to purchase that “World’s Greatest Dad” mug, it is well worth the time and the effort, so visit now and make it count, it will surely be a hassle free experience because our father is uniquely ours – a father like no other. Let's do what we can to make sure he knows that. 

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