ANCOP Global Walk 2016: Our Walk, Their Dreams
Monday, August 08, 2016
Not everyone can join a marathon. Marathons take years of preparation. One needs to train hard, watch what he eats, build muscles in the right places, not to mention endurance to be able to sustain the entire stretch, up to the finish line.
People who join marathons do so for a number of reasons. Some enter races for fitness, or to achieve a personal goal. Others do so in order to push their advocacies, like taking care of the environment, or the restoration of a cultural or historical heritage, or sending children to school.
ANCOP, an acronym for "Answering the Cry of the Poor," aims to raise funds for scholarship of poor but deserving youth. Annually, AGWs are held to provide educational (scholarship) opportunities to the poorest of the poor.
But not everybody can run a race to help promote an advocacy. Hence, the birth of the ANCOP Walk. Twelve years ago, ANCOP Canada thought of organizing an event where people of all ages and from all walks of life can participate in raising funds for education and likewise create an awareness about ANCOP. ANCOP is Couples for Christ's work with the poor initiative.
And so, on August 21, 2011, the ANCOP GLOBAL WALK was born, with the tagline "I will walk for a scholar. Walk with me!" This initial effort, which happened on the death anniversary of the late Benigno Aquino Jr., paved the way for a new way of heroism—that of taking a step to change the future of the ANCOP scholars. For Metro Manila alone, an estimated 35,000 walkers trooped to the SM Mall of Asia grounds at dawn for that historic walk.
This year, the ANCOP Global Walk returns to the SM MOA, hoping to triple that initial number by targeting 100,000 walkers who will send 2,000 scholars to school. Men, women and children of all shapes and sizes can join the ANCOP Global Walk. And like in the past AGWs, pet dogs have been a regular fare as well. Believe it or not, their humans register their family pets too!
The ANCOP GLOBAL WALK will be held in Metro Manila at 4:00 AM of August 14, 2016 at the SM Mall of Asia grounds, Pasay City. Registration is at Php300.00. Simultaneous walks in major cities in the Philippines, the USA, Canada, and Australia, among others, will also happen on August 14.
So, if you're looking for an event to join (that isn't a marathon) and help a cause at the same time, why not try the ANCOP Global Walk?
CFC ANCOP is a non-profit organization which was founded by Couples for Christ, a faith-based international organization of Catholic faithful recognized by the Vatican. ANCOP stands for "ANswering the Cry Of the Poor". Its main programs are Shelter and Education.
Bro. Joe Tale, CFC Chairman talks about the ANCOP Global Walk 2016
To register, please follow the following guidelines:
Register via your respective CFC sectors
1. Go to any BDO branch;
2. Fill out Bills Payment Slip with the following details:
a. Company Name: ANCOP
b. Institution Code: 0308
c. Product Code: 418
d. Subscriber’s Account No.: ANCOP0060450
e. Subscriber’s Complete Name: ______________________ (your name)
3. Keep validated slip, fill out agw2016 registration form, get your official receipt and redeem BIB at AGW Secretariat table on August 14, 2016
1. Fill out agw2016 registration form;
2. Submit to ANCOP secretariat table on August 14
3. Pay walk donation of P300 (per walker)
4. Get Official Receipt
5. Redeem your bib.
Click below to download agw2016 registration form:
Know more about the beneficiaries of the ANCOP Global Walk
Please visit ( to know more about ANCOP and its programs.