Cadbury 5Star: A fusion of chocolate, caramel and crunchy biscuits to make you GO FULL ON!
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Cadbury 5Star, Cadbury Dairy Milk’s latest chocolate that makes you go full on in one bite, was launched on Friday, May 27 at the Glorietta 3 Activity Center Makati, Ayala Malls.
Opening the launch was Mondelez Chocolates Brand Manager Arlene Amante, “This is our first chocolate brand specifically made for young millennials. It’s a new product but it has with it a hundred year old chocolate-making heritage from Cadbury. It’s so good, one bite makes you think you can do anything. You can experience this goodness for only 10 pesos. It’s really budget friendly for our young millenials. What makes it so millennial is that it inspires living in the moment and having fun.”
Cadbury 5Star is the newest chocolate experience from Mondelez Philippines, the makers of your favorite Cadbury Dairy Milk and Toblerone chocolates. Taste the familiar, velvety smooth Cadbury milk chocolate wrapped neatly around an exciting blend of gooey caramel and a soft chocolatey center. Feel the crunch of the crispy biscuits inside and let the endless possibilities begin.
Life never has to be the same. You should expect no less from your chocolate bar. Have a Cadbury 5Star and let the world be your playing ground.
Introduced in the launch were Cadbury 5Star Ambassadors, Alex Diaz and Arisse de Santos who drummed excitement by dancing and hosting the #YouThinkYouCanChallenges. Ambassador Robi Domingo didn’t make it to the launch but was featured in the Cadbury 5Star challenge video. Arm wrestling with a bouncer and doing the hoola hoop in a onesie were among the fun challenges.
Together with their celebrity friends – Richard Juan, Markki Stroem, Patrick Sugui, Axel Torres, and Ryan Sy – Cadbury 5Star Ambassadors Alex and Arisse did the ultimate “#YouThinkYouCan Walk On Chocolate?” challenge. With the ambassadors and celebrities leading the public in walking, running and dancing on a pool of melted chocolate-like concoction, Cadbury 5Star was the first in the country to do this outrageous challenge.
With Blogger friends Nikole, Jing, Jerhwin and Bedalyn. Thank you Cadburry and Mondelez for having us!
For more details:
Facebook page - Cadburry 5Star PH