Colors of Freedom Independence Day RUN on June 12 - The Fort, BGC
Friday, May 06, 2016
Starting 4am , 3,000 runners/ patriots (max 5,000) will be flocking BGC’s
34th and 4th St to attend the pre race stretches which will be led by
World of Dance qualifiers and ABS/GMA mainstay dancers Next Ep
while the music is being played by locally respected and foreign DJ’s.
After the brief fun stretch, Runners will congregate at the starting line (3
categories- 10km for advanced runners, 5km for intermediate and 3k
for those who just want to party) and will start running by around
530am and photographers will be stationed at key areas to capture
participants running with wigs.
Finishers will all be awarded the race completion medals, awarded loot bag
goodies from sponsors and will enter Afroville, a party area amidst a
Giant Afrowig backdrop, surrounded by sponsor photobooths where
your brand gets to be king of social media for the day.
While everyone is getting their finisher medals and goodies, Our local DJ’s
will already playing sets with Next Ep and will culminate with a Color
throw countdown where all 3,000-5,000 participants will be caught on
camera and drones positioned to capture the view of this colorful and
unforgettable finale.
For more details: