Embracing Fun & Memorable MOMents with Mommy

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sometimes what we perceive as the most trivial of things actually has the most bearing in life. That's what I learned from my Mom, among other things. I have a lot of fond memories shared with her and I intend to continue doing so in the coming years since I also want to make up for some of the lost years that we're not together because when I was a kid, she has to work as an OFW just to support our financial needs.

This is why after I graduated from College, I promised to myself that this time around, I'll make it sure that I'll get to work hard for us since she's been working hard for our family not only as my Mom but also as my Dad at the same time. My most memorable was seeing her working hard through the toughest times and giving me lessons I’ve carried on in life — she told me to value myself and finish my education, that it’s the best gift she can give me. I love my mom so much, she is my pillar, I lean on her and really adore her.

I believe that this is one trait that I got from her and I'm thankful about it as well, to be hard working and put all my best to everything I do. Not really workaholic and also to be frugal when it comes to spending money. There are so many things that me and my Mom shared in common that gave us even more bonding times together. I think the greatest lesson my mom imparted was a genuine love for learning — one that goes beyond textbooks and the classroom. I owe to my mom my appreciation for art, love for literature, love of FOOD because we truly enjoy having food trips together and trying out different kinds of restaurants and cuisines that made us adventurous in a way and most importantly that I learned from my Mom is the knowledge that no matter how much you think you already know about the world, there’s always more of it to learn about love and life. 

My Mom is so updated with almost everything about technology and she's always up and about that I even wonder where she gets all this energy and her youthful glow.

If only my Mom can attain her fountain of youth and stay that way for the rest of our lives but thankfully, there's an amazing news on how we can look young and have beautiful skin just like Japanese people who are known to be very meticulous when it comes to taking care of their skin. Collagen drinks are said to be their secret in longevity and beauty plus it is also very popular in China and South Korea. 

Premium HyC 150, developed by FINE Japan Co. Ltd., is now available in the Philippines. Premium HyC 150 is unique because it is the only supplement drink that has the optimal combination of active anti-aging ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, collagen and ubiquinol.

Premium HyC 150 has other benefits that go beyond skin care and a rejuvenated, more youthful look. To maximize the benefits of collagen, one important element, hyaluronic acid, has to be present. At least 50 percent of hyaluronic acid in our body can be found in our skin. Premium HyC 150 contains 150 mg of hyaluronic acid, the optimal dosage to replenish the body of this essential nutrient. Hyaluronic acid acts as space filler by binding to water and keeps the skin wrinkle-free. It lubricates joints, ligaments and connective tissues. It also hydrates surrounding tissue and keeps the collagen nourished and healthy.
Premium HyC 150, exclusively distributed in the Philippines by BrightRAY Enterprises, is now available at Watsons stores. For information, visit www.HyC150.com.”

This is truly perfect for my Mom since she also loves to take care of her skin and her health as well. There were days I would see her put calamansi on her skin or bathe with milk and more. She never fails to advice me that I only have one life and one body which is why I really need to take care of my whole being. Premium HyC 150 will surely make our days worry free about our age and appearance.  You too can make a big leap to youthful skin with Premium HyC 150. 

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