JCI Manila Continues Its Search For The 2015 Blessed Teresa Of Calcutta Awards
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Junior Chamber International – Manila, in partnership with the Alfonso Yuchengco (AY) Foundation, continues its search for The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Awards. Now on its 28th year, the search aims to encourage the public to focus on the importance of selflessness and helping those in need by recognizing individuals who have dedicated a portion of their lives serving the “poorest of the poor.”
Inspired by the late Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, the BTCA award is open to nominations of any living individuals, regardless of age, gender, race, and religion who have dedicated themselves fully and selflessly to humanitarian work among underprivileged Filipinos for at least 25 years.
The winner will receive a cash grant of One Million Pesos (P1,000,000), at least half of which will be donated to the winner’s charitable institution of choice.
Nominations can be emailed at btcaward2015@gmail.com and will be accepted until August 07, 2015. More information can be found on their Facebook page, The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Awards.