YAY Designs Convertible Clothing
Monday, June 02, 2014
Last May, Bloggers were invited to an intimate launch of a new & modern style of clothing that will soon emerge as one of the best innovation in the fashion scene. I am grateful to meet the creator and CEO of YAY Design Ms. Alexandra Yushkova who pioneered the reversible clothing.
Ms. Alexandra Yushkova
The models who showcased Yay Collections
Ms. Alexandra is a very humble fashion designer. She talks to us with ease about her collection and how it all started. According to Ms. Alexandra, YAY convertible clothing was created to accompany a modern woman who does not believe in conforming to a cookie-cutter lifestyle that surrounds her but who would rather be her own stylist by being creative and distinctive with her looks.

She takes pride in dedicating herself to invent the perfect garment that fits every women life’s impulse by designing each piece to be unique yet full of comfort and versatility. By carefully selecting fine materials from all over the world and applying American craftsmanship, my aspiration is to bring durability and originality to each look.

YAY convertible clothing allows you to save much needed time in this fast-paced universe. A single outfit will accompany you from a workplace to a dinner with friends, followed by an eventful and fun night. You can accomplish all three looks with YAY without going home to change. The YAY woman loves to be in control of her look and destiny.
To know more about Yay Designs, visit:
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