The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Review
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Finally! The long wait is over :-) Special thanks to Mister Donut and Jollibee for the Blocked Screening tickets at SM Megamall. It was a separate event and I feel so grateful that I watched this film with Mister Donut and Jollibee. Thank you!

First and foremost, I love the film because it was carried by the amazing chemistry between the two lead actors Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Emma Stone is amazing, at first I don't like Andrew Garfield because I am totally attached with Tobey Maguire but hey we all have to move on right. The beginning of the film was pretty fantastic for me, it was very well done for the first 10 minutes. The story started as Peter (Andrew Garfield) has been having a hard time with his social life because he is dating Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) Peter for some reason sees Gwen's dead father everywhere. He remembers back when her dad said “leave gwen out of this” and he can’t help but feel he’s betraying her dad’s last wish. So they break up. Peter is all depressed, Gwen is all depressed. Then they try to get back together as friends, then they are in love again, then Gwen gets a scholarship for Oxford, then she leaves for England, then he stops her, then they kiss and everything is a history. Sorry for the spoilers for those who haven't watched the movie yet. But the battle with his 3 villains happened in between of the movie while Peter does some flashback with the history of what happened with his parents.

The first Villain which is Electro played by Jamie Foxx who before he turned into Electro was Maxx Dillon. He was a brilliant engineer, geek and feels he needed people to actually NEED him and make him feel special which is why when Spiderman saved him, he felt really special not after some heinous accident that happened to him which later on made him what he is which is Electro. What cay I say about Jamie Foxx, he literally owns the screen whatever role he portrays and the Times Square scene with Max trying to control his new found electric powers is handled relatively well. I actually love the big showdown between Spiderman and Electro.
Dane Dehaan is a pretty good Harry Osborn, I actually love him. Harry comes back from boarding school and meets his dad, who is dying of essentially “Green Goblin” disease. He and his dad obviously don’t get along and his dad is like “ps, you have it too” and then hands him his life’s work.

I love him when he hasn't turned into his character which is Goblin but then again he is in fact the second villain so there. He believes that the only cure to his disease is Spiderman's blood which made him feel cheated when he finally knew that Peter is Spiderman. The ending of the movie is a little bit heart breaking but it is granted since this movie is a remake and we all know what happened to Gwen Stacy in the end. Which is also based in the comic book. :( Epic sad yes but I really wanted her to live. I don’t care that it’s not how it happened in the comics. Fuck Mary Jane. I want Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy. But! it was not meant to be. That tragic right? how unbelievably tragic!

Moving on to Mary Jane Watson. She was supposed to appear in TASM2, believe it or not, but in the end, her scenes were cut. Shailene Woodley was going to play Mary Jane. She was the hero in Divergent and she’s going to be Hazel Grace in The Fault in Our Stars (another movie I’m looking forward to). MJ’s going to be in a future Spiderman film. That’s for sure with Gwen dead and gone. But it’s not a sure thing that Woodley’s going to be playing her. I’ll wait until I see The Fault in Our Stars before I decide whether or not I’m relieved about that. So, what are your thoughts on the latest Spiderman film?:-)
Check out the trailer here: