CinemaJam: Music and Movies for a Cause!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
CRIZAL Transitions, the world’s leading Photochromic lens capable of adjusting to any lighting condition, shines a bright l igh t on the metropolitan cultural scene as it hosts “Crizal Transitions Cinemajam,” the first ever outdoor movie marathon and music festival in the Philippines, on Nov. 30 at Event Circuit Makati.
Crizal Transitions Cinemajam brings together some of the country’s top bands, two special movies, and a host of exciting activities. Crizal Transitions Cinemajam sees the arts and celebration in a different and changing light, as it ushers guests through the unique experience of shifting perspectives-a fun afternoon fair segueing into a sunset music festival, capped with an evening movie marathon and after party concert.
Two movies, Love, Actually, and Limitless, highlight Crizal Transitions’ message of “Seeing life in a bright light,” offering viewers different, enlightening takes on loving and living. The romantic comedy Love, Actually, is a feel-good movie on the delirious joys and bittersweet sorrows of love. Limitless, meanwhile, is an action thriller on the extremes a man will push himself in pursuit of perfection. Bradley Cooper plays a writer who takes an experimental drug that allows him to fully use his intellectual faculties.
Bamboo, Itchyworms, Calla lily, Moonstar 88 and Grace Note, create a sunset symphony of sound and sensibility as they render their special brand of rock and indie pop.
A windfall of exciting activities gratifies the senses. A free vision screening in the Optical Village section will check guests’ eyesight. Thrill- seekers can choose among karting, bungee jumping, skating and kite flying for their kicks. Games and raffle prizes await lucky guests.
Tickets are available from Ticketworld at P1,350. Proceeds of the event will benefit the children of the World Vision Foundation.
Get two free tickets with every pair of Crizal Transitions.

Discover everyday protection and convenience with CRIZAL TRANSITIONS lenses!
Produced by the world leaders in ophtlamic and photochromic lenses, Crizal Transitions lenses provide you with the optimum vision solution.
Perfectly clear indoors, they adapt spontaneously to changing light conditions, with a fast activation in the sun in less than 60 seconds.
Crizal Transitions lenses are 30% faster to fade back to their clear state and conveniently offer a great contrast perception though glare reduction in any light.
Crizal Transitions lenses fit wearers of all ages by bringing them everyday-convenience, protection and comfort. They are particularly suited for children as their eyes are at three-time greater risk from sun damage as their crystalline lens is not fully developed until age 12.

Essilor is the world's leading opthalmic lens company. Essilor designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of lenses to improve and protect eyesight. Its corporate mission is to enable everyone around the world to access lenses that meet his or her unique vision requirements.
Founded in 1972, Essilor is a worldwide leader in developing and manufacturing ophthalmic lenses, lens coatings and dispensary technologies. Premium eyeglass lenses from Essilor are the result of more than 150 years of advanced research, innovation and technology.
A true leader in innovation, Essilor revolutionized the vision correction industry in 1959 with the invention of the world’s first progressive lens.
We provide consumers and the eye care professionals with quality spectacle lenses, diagnostic tools, services and support in business.
Essilor has subsidiaries in more than 30 countries and is represented in more than 100 countries with major production centers in Europe, North and Central America and Asia.
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