Life of Pi Movie Review
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I've been waiting for this movie for as long as I can remember, it is indeed a wonderful book since this movie is based from a novel of Yann Martel. I actually thought before that, it was like an unfilmable movie since the story is a little perplexed but then again why did I even doubt the genre of movies today?:-) We can do almost everything. :-)

Life of Pi, for me, is a cinematic tall-tale parable of the best kind, and stands alongside other acclaimed films in the genre, such as Forrest Gump and Big Fish. However, unlike those more whimsical tales, there is something deeper and more serious at work in Pi - but director Ang Lee who is also the director of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Brokeback Mountain manages to balance the serious elements with the fantastical ones, while making it all look truly spectacular (on a whole other level) thanks to his work in the 3D format.
I an totally overwhelmed by this movie. I was like crying the whole time while watching it. I was too affected with the scenes and yes, it made me realize how lucky we are to be living in this world. To be that close with God.

The Story:
In the film version, the story revolves around a burned-out writer (Rafe Spall) who, in his travels, gets wind of a remarkable story about a man once shipwrecked at sea. The writer approaches the man, Pi Patel (Irrfan Khan), who promises to tell him a story that will not only awe him, but also make him believe in God.

We are then treated to a story starting in Pi’s younger years, focusing on his curiosity about (and eventual acceptance of) multiple religions – a practice which only exacerbates his pragmatic-minded father. Life takes a hard turn when Pi, as a young man (played by newcomer Suraj Sharma), is on a freighter with his family bound for America to sell their collection of zoo animals. When a freak storm sinks the ship, Pi escapes on a lifeboat with a small band of animal survivors in tow – including the fearsome tiger, “Richard Parker.” From there, the young man of many faiths must endure a trial of survival alongside his animal companions, learning many things about God and faith along the way.

Life of Pi is beautifully directed. I remember after watching the movie I tweeted like a dozen times how I salute Ang Lee and the writer of this book as well. The story is very good. The special effects are breathtaking. A movie that’ll define a generation. And, even in the movie itself, this goal is brought up. “We’ll make you believe in god.” “This is a story unlike any you’ve ever heard.” “The greatest survival tale ever.”
Overall, it’s a pretty awesome movie. One of the best directing jobs of the year. It’s worth watching for the cinematography alone.
Side Note: if you know someone who is a cat lover, this is the movie for them.
I find this scene hilarious! :-)

Watch the trailer here: