Thursday, November 08, 2012
After a successful Filebook Big Bang Alive Tour Conert Promo, FILEBOOK is pleased to announce that they will be holding another promo just for you. :-)
Just Peel Off and Win! Be the lucky winner to win a Trip for 2 to Boracay and other exciting prizes to be given away!
Click the link below to know more about this amazing giveaway! :-)
Follow this link to join --->
Sample product:

What are you waiting for? join now! :-)
Filebook is still hosting a daily giveaway :-)

Just share any of the latest photo that Filebook uploaded on their official Facebook page and voila! you might just win Internet load or Cellphone! Just pick your choice, is that easy :-)
Like Filebook's offficial page now! :-)
Check out their Official website as well:

Filebook is “Your first digital platform in the Philippines. An online digital content trading avenue (web-based data storage) where as an individual can conveniently and easily shared various forms of digital content using an environment of stable distribution infrastructure through internet infrastructure such as high speed internet traffic, high-end servers, large storage and the like.
FILEBOOK sets a high value on P2P sharing environment. We also provide a new model based on the so called "Cloud System" which makes your sharing and storing of data more easy.