Showbiz & Politics: Can be or Cannot Be?
Monday, August 06, 2012
The growing number of Celebrities doing Public Service
Most of the actors/actress enjoy their fame, who wouldn't. It is a hard earned reward especially nowadays there are a lot of people aspiring to enter the Entertainment industry. Artista search in all channels. Whether they admit it or not, they use their so-called FAME to win their ambitions in the political arena.
As expected, when an actor declared his intention to run for the next elections, this actor would reason out that he/she wants to implement true reforms and development within that area with a PROMISE that he/she won't be CORRUPT. Unfortunately, some of them, even though they are new in Politics, they act like traditional crocodile politicians already. (BUWAYA) or TRAPO.
However, there are still some who are really sincere not only with their craft which is Showbiz and also their chosen path, Politics. They serve people without asking for anything in return and won without any poll cheating. They are loved by many. They serve without any coverage nor pictures. People know who they are not because they are famous but simply because they CARE.
The question is: Why do these CELEBRITIES enter POLITICS?
agree or not, it may be true.
1. Entertainment is not a stable career. We all know that. Some celebrities, even at the top of their career went sloshing down without any word from them.
2. They want to lead. This time around they wanted to be the head of everything, not just following orders.
3. They want to contribute. They want to see development in the areas where they grew up or places they live.
4. Their relatives or family are also in the same circle. They are the best influence.
5. A high ranking position is very profitable. Stable income.
6. More business opportunities will come.
7. Someone invited them to run and they couldn't say "No"

Via Philippine Star.
Recently, I just read it on Philippine Star yesterday, August 5, 2012, Actor Aga Muhlach declared his intention to run as Congressman in Camarines Sur in 2013. The Matinee Idol/Crush ng Bayan promised to do good in his decision and he will not do anything that will stain his name since he has been in the Entertainment industry for how many years now. He said, he wanted to be involve in Public Service. Let's wait and see. I'm sure more celebrities will come out one of these days to proclaim their intent on running this 2013. Yesterday, I saw a lot of running ads already while watching TV and it's running on Prime time! As of now, they're already selling themselves in the next election. (Face Palm)
Let me just conclude this post by saying that this is only my opinion and you can reach me here anytime if you want to run an ad here in my blog in the upcoming elections :-) #Chos